colour my world with lovely shades
& paint me a pretty sky |
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Something about colours just happens to make me smile
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1. Layout: Mmm Papi 2. Browser: Compatible with all Browsers (MFF, IE, Netscape) 3. Icons source: The Non-Judging Breakfast Club 4. Designer's Blog: DayBefore!Misery 5. Hits: Code for Blog Hits |
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 || Time: 2:10 AM
moved to btw:)
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Date: || Time: 2:10 AM
moved to btw:)
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Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 || Time: 8:28 PM
crosscountry today!:)
met ghc/ flyfly to take 157 to macritchie since i had no idea how to get there and haha ghc had to alight at some random stop to wait for flyfly and i since fly was still brushing her teeth at home and even though i was at the bus stop already i didn't see the bus number properly when the bus arrived so i didn't think that the bus was 157, and let it pass just like that -_____- haha ohwells we made it on time anw!:) *** ran for competitive with ploty hahaha:D nicole goh and i ended at the same timing agaaainnn! HAHA. okay maybe by a few miliseconds of difference but YEAH HAHA. i remember that last year for napfa we had the same timing too!:) though we're all in different classes, most of the ploty people ended up running for competitive anw.. 10 out of 12 of ploty! hahaha. whooo felt nice running with ploty:) havent been doing that for v long alrdy!:) after competitive basically hung around to chat with ploty and xinyi and went to one corner to play werewolf and stuff:) *** went for lunch after that! was supposed to go with MAD i think. but couldn't exactly find them around and no one called and everything, so just went with CT instead :O and ploty wanted to go back to ny i think.. but didn't in the end as well so yeah! but anw! saw grandma and grandpa at the bus stop and yeah started chatting with them!:) chelly came to join my class as well anw, since her class was going to orchard and she had to stay in bukit timah to meet her twin afterwards. and then bus ride was basically spent with the three of them..:) and hmm what else! oh yeah the rest of the class went to cheesy's house instead in the end, so yeah lunch ended up to just chelly grandpa grandma and i hahahaha. went to domino's!:) whoo stayed all the way until 12nn++ when i had to leave for MAD :( and jongie's class reached domino's when we were abt to leave anw, so yeah chelly had her twin to accompany her:) awww grandpa sent grandma back by the way; so cute!! hahahaha! *** MAD. okay legs were aching badly; really badly by then :X an an's prac today anw!:) i like an an's choreos!:) tough at first like seriously when she did the hand thingum at first i was like some lost sheep; but you catch it after some time i suppose, so yeah! turned out nice:) then at 2.30pm after an an's prac, ms chen's prac started so yeah! did ms. chen's choreo and yeah i think my brain wasn't processing well alrdy by then -______- but oh wells; will practice ms chen's choreo at home i guess! she keeps changing directions for some parts of the choreo! T.T aiyoh. will get used to the new directions soon though(: *** after MAD, took 157 thank goodness. longer bus ride home = more time to sleep on the bus. then once i was on the bus, completely blacked out for 1 whole hour before reaching the bus stop opposite my flat. haha idk why but im never in the mood to study after dance. like either too high or simply too tired; body aches and all. esp like today LOL. crosscountry + MAD = who cares about studies. -.- but there are stuffs due tmr though. gah break's short enough already shall finish the things due tmr so that i wont have to chiong them during breaks :X break = solely for FOOD only!:) *** then again, still super tired and restless now, shall go sleep first; wake up early to pia tmr:) JODY'S BIRTHDAY TMR!:) shall rmb to wish her/ post on her fb wall tmr:) |
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Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 || Time: 4:20 AM
:D watched the temptation of the wife last night on channel u :D haha that show's really nice anw, i think the lead actress is rather pretty :D argh but it's already at episode 88 and i've only watched like 3 episodes of it (?) since i don't really watch tv during dinner time.. so yeah :X besides, my family watches the super lame channel 8 show -_____- so yeah usually i just don't bother sitting in front of the tv set during dinner time ._.
but anw!! haha shall watch this show from now on;) once the holidays come (most prob dec lar, june hols are gonna be busy busy busy again im sure) i'll rent the dvd to watch whee:) *** tokyo banana bread/ puff/ cake! (Y) i feel super cheated okay. had one whole box of it at home but didnt want to finish it cause i wanted to save it for school; like you know something yummy to eat in school so that school wouldn't be that unbearable--- but i realized my dear family finished the whole box up last night while i was asleep and there was only one more left -.- ZZZZ. so much for saving it for school eh -.- *** today's gonna be a frigging long day at school :'( i'll be a dead zombie by the time cca starts at 4pm today anw. haish. lessons lessons lessons; graaahhhh. |
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Date: Sunday, March 21, 2010 || Time: 12:54 PM
goodbye mr. holiday, let's meet again in 3 months :'/
i'd suggest that you bring poker cards or a ds along to entertain yourself the next time you come visit though; since i think that i'd be as busy then as i had been this time. SIGHSSSSSS. |
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Date: Saturday, March 20, 2010 || Time: 10:31 AM
argh im feeling sluggish today. body aches + my knees are majorly brown now (cause bruises are brown). yaawwns. should probably be typing out the final chem proposal now but im lazy to do anything now hahaha.
shall go play some music instead:) |
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Date: Friday, March 19, 2010 || Time: 10:19 PM
is exhausted after today D:
shall go to sleep (again) now:) |
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Date: || Time: 5:42 PM
whoo mad prac just ended damn tired now! started off with conditioning, followed by ms chen's choreo, and then conditioning again. all the way until 5 zomg. brain dead+ bruises+ legs aching now! but hahaha choreo's pretty fun!:)) mad's basically damn exhausting but fun at the same time luh:))) daaaanncee!:)
ohman quite a lot of 6A peeps went for class outing though T.T bleh while their poor classmate was away at salt center hahaha but at least today is over!:)) end of a long long day zomg!:) chem lesson + cca. haha chem was pretty ok, it's really good that we got ms chua as our chem tcher anw, I like her so much better than our other teachers:)) and normally if u like the teacher you'd like the lesson so whoo :DD |
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Date: || Time: 12:35 AM
STEPHPANG, WHO HASN'T EVEN READ A SINGLE LINE ABT WHAT UPTHRUST IS (i'm serious i'm still at errors and uncertainties -.-), TOOK THE UPTHRUST PHY ONLINE QUIZ AND TOTALLY TIKAM-ED HER WAY THROUGH. HAHAHA FULL MARKS OMG. *** i must be the luckiest guesser ever x)) ah but then again, it was only three questions HAHAHA. |
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Date: Thursday, March 18, 2010 || Time: 5:25 PM
thought that i lost my ring at cca prac today, but found it afterall:))))) thankgoodness hahaha I'd be super sad if I really did lose it :(
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Date: || Time: 4:59 PM
is sad about missing class outing tmr.. :/ MAD's more impt though dancenight's coming up real soon!:)) argh but there's chem before that wts. it's gonna be a long long day tmr :(((((
ahh bye class outing i was looking forward to you! :( *** learnt an an's choreo today btw:) pretty hard but yeah it's nice!!^^ can't wait till dancenight, actually!:))) argh shall go home prac though, i think i'm probably one of the lousiest in my batch so mmhm shall buck up!;)) |
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Date: || Time: 6:25 AM
![]() *** MAD later!:) shall wait till my mum leaves the house and then hog the living room for myself to practice :) |
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Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 || Time: 5:21 PM
so sick of love songs, so sad and slow why can't i turn off the radio? *** sad songs are addictive :/ |
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Date: || Time: 10:30 AM
The opportunity period that runs all day long brings you luck from the fulfillment of a promise, Aries. This could be the result of you fulfilling an obligation to someone else, or it could be someone fulfilling a promise they have made to you, but this is ultimately the result of something you've been working on for a while. Appreciate the beauty of the moment and take time to relax now, but don't expect things to turn out the way you want them to unless you put in the effort to make them.
mmhm so true :) |
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Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 || Time: 8:21 AM
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Heh I've no idea what's wrong with the tagboard, but I think you have to click on the tagboard tab to refresh the tagboard everytime after you post a tag or you probably won't see your tag!